Friday 23 March 2012

Rejected Shots

We had to re-film some of our shots because it is not easy to keep a straight face while filming. It would normally take us two or three shots to be confident to upload it into iMovie and edit it. We would normally have two good shot to edit and choose from which is good since we are both new to filming and could show our confidence in a new field.

Some clips we could not use in our film because it exceeded the maximum time we are allowed. We had to consolidate which scenes we should use. We have chosen to leave this one through a number of reasons: The camera work was a bit shaky this could be mistaken from a villain's point of view. This is also the scene that is hardest to split and insert transitions because it is the longest clip in our selection.

Wednesday 14 March 2012


We choose to use of GarageBand which is an exclusive softaware for the Apple MAC that we also used to edit our footage. We use a calm music for the start of our film but has an eerie effect on it. This calm music was used as a base music for our film. The calm music was quickly followed by a non-diegetic sound to create an effect. This would link to Todorov's Narrative Theory where a disruption has occured to disrupt the equilibrium in a story and really relates to the narrative of the film as the villain enters the victims house.

We also decided not to mute some of our clips because it creates a more natural theme to our film. We have also decided to increase the sound volume on some of our clips to create a stronger effect i.e door creaking and others.

 The software was simple and very easy to use but we were limited sounds availabe. We sometimes cut bits out on some track and combine it with others to create a better sound to supplement our clips and to build up tensions in some scenes. We used the same soundtrack that we made and repeat it with some time interval between to create more tension for the audience.

Monday 12 March 2012

Complications in Filming

    The first time we filmed, the camera we borrowed has ran out of battery. Then we decided to use a digital camera and upload all the footage we had in the Apple MAC. Then it turns out that we could not upload the footage to iMovie and could not edit it. We then needed to wait for another week to borrow another camera because there are a limited numbers of cameras to go around the whole media class. The second time we filmed was easier than the first time because; we just redo the same scenes we did the first time we filmed.This also allowed us to improve some of the shots we filmed. To be able to finish our media product we both have to film for 3 different dates. The first day was the day we experienced most problems. The second day is when we filmed the main part of the narrative and used the shots that we had to make our rough cut. The third and last time we filmed was to allow us to increase our narrative due to concerns of our opening being shorter than what the course requires.

Tuesday 6 March 2012

Audience Feedback

     We asked some of our friends, classmates and teacher to evaluate our rough cut by letting them watch the whole clip that we edited together. Some people highlighted some of a major problem we had which is that our film is only a minute. They've suggested that we slow down particular scenes to create an effect and would also help us lengthen our film. Some people also suggested that we add some more clips into it which would also explain more of the story and could also help us lengthen our film in a much more interesting approach by engaging the audience. Another person suggested that we filter the scene to black and white which would help our film follow a convention of thriller. Overall we had a positive feedback from our audience no major changes was requested. 

Monday 5 March 2012

Rough Cut