Monday 12 March 2012

Complications in Filming

    The first time we filmed, the camera we borrowed has ran out of battery. Then we decided to use a digital camera and upload all the footage we had in the Apple MAC. Then it turns out that we could not upload the footage to iMovie and could not edit it. We then needed to wait for another week to borrow another camera because there are a limited numbers of cameras to go around the whole media class. The second time we filmed was easier than the first time because; we just redo the same scenes we did the first time we filmed.This also allowed us to improve some of the shots we filmed. To be able to finish our media product we both have to film for 3 different dates. The first day was the day we experienced most problems. The second day is when we filmed the main part of the narrative and used the shots that we had to make our rough cut. The third and last time we filmed was to allow us to increase our narrative due to concerns of our opening being shorter than what the course requires.

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