Monday 30 April 2012

Evaluation 5: How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Our opening sequence presents two character roles, each having different links to social groups. The main social group shown in our film opening called 'Alter EGO' is the vulnerable teenage girl who is being followed by psycho stalker. All of the pictures of the girl in everyday life situations make her look vulnerable and the fact that all of them have been taken from stalker's point of view makes it all look more dangerous and serious. The shots of obsessed man ringing her from unknown number, him observing her every day and finally braking into her house are suggesting and showing how vulnerable this girl is. She's only teenage girl who most probably couldn't defend herself in case of the confrontation with strong man and Her not knowing that she is being followed by obsessed guy gives it all more drama. Also, her being on her own in the house while stalker gets inside and then finally into her room clearly makes her look much more defenceless as she is not expecting anything bad happening.
The villain who is obsessed with a girl who is his alter ego is shown as dangerous, strange and - as we can't see his face at any point- very mysterious man who will do anything it takes to own the girl. Man obsessed with vulnerable girl is quite  typical and effective of many thriller genre and horror films and we have decided to continue this popular stereotype.

Propps's Character's Theory was applied to our product but only for two characters the villain and the victim. But the victim  represents more than one character. The victim would resembles the  princess and at the same time the hero. The princess because she is typically the character that is the main victim. The hero because she is the main protagonist and the whole story would be about her.

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