Friday 6 January 2012

Film Plot

In our two minute start of the film. The starting plot would be brief there are only two settings present, two characters shown one of which is the villain and the  other one is one of the victims. There is also a minimal use of dialogue and diegetic sounds and the sound would be dominated by non-diegetic music which would create the tense atmosphere which would compliment the the short footage.

The villain's identity would not be revealed in the two minute opening. The main film plot would be about a psychotic villain who follows and takes picture of the girls that he fancies and end up killing them. The villain enjoys being in control and would try to overpower everyone around him. The way he would overpower his victims are by taking away thier lives which is the ultimate form of overpowering someone.

There are no clear plot for the opening because we would just try to keep the audience at the start of the film. We both felt that adding a sophisticated narrative would require some dialogue and this would not create the best tension atmosphere there is so  we both agreed to minimized dialogue and try to maximise the tension in our film.

Our opening links to Todorov,s Narrative theory. Todorov suggested that conventional narratives are structured in five stages: A state of equilibrium at the outset. A disruption of the equilibrium by some action. A recognition that there has been a disruption. However the theory only applies to our media product up to the third stage of the narrative theory because we decided to end with a black screen to act as a cliffhanger. 

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