Tuesday 17 January 2012

Representation of Characters

In our media product we used some thriller codes and conventions to indicate that our film is part of this genre. We used a filter for both characters to symbolise their motives and attitudes in the film. This is commonly used in thriller genre in a form of black and white filter. We used an imposing contrast for the villain with a tint of red. Red connotes blood and relates to violence and aggression which is the villain’s motive. This filter compliments the villain costume which is pure black from his coat to his trousers. The colour black denotes evil which reflects on the villain’s personality.

A black and white filter was used for the victim with a tint of light blue. The black and white symbolizes simplicity. Simplicity is one of the trait that the victim posses that attracted the villain. The used of the tint blue is to make a contrast between her and the villain. The light blue represent being innocence which highlights her innocence on what is happening. Her gender which is a stereotypical classification of a victim in this genre. The use of light blue also refers to her vulnerability through the use of a lighter colour to be easily over powered by other colours. This was achieved not just the use of filter but also with her light blue top as costume which she wore near the end of the opening.

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