Thursday 12 January 2012

Discarded Ideas about location

The first setting we thought about was the school because it would be more convenient for both of us to film in school than go to a house. But the school idea was discarded because the school does not create a sense of personal theme into it and is too environmentally friendly to stage an attack on a character. We also thought we would use a wall in one of the school's classroom to create the villain's lair where a montage of the photos of the victim would be placed. But we found out that it would be more convenient to use a table in a house because this would give us an easier access to the props the villain would conventionally possess such as weapons like a knife. We cannot possibly bring a knife to the school or any type of weapon to be used by the villain. And the idea of filling a whole wall of a montage of photos seemed overwhelming so we changed our idea to small montage of pictures in a little corner of a table. Our ideas on the location of our setting changed as our thriller film ideas develops.

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