Saturday 7 January 2012

Filming Schedule

We had to organise our meetings well. Considering the fact that all out editing had to be done on iMovie in school we have decided to do most of the blogging at home. In order to edit our opening sequence together we had consider each other's lesson times and find time which we could share.
We have divided our work on blog and we have tried to share work equally so each of us had similar amount of blogging to do. Most of our blogging took place at home, in case of any questions we have contacted each other through texting or we simply rang each other.

 At first we have thought that we would be able to do all of our filming on one go, however we have quickly realised that it won't be possible. To do filiming part of our coursework we have met up quite a few times. We have struggled with battery which have died half way through our filming or rainy weatcher (so we could't film outdoor). In final stage of editing we had to extend our rough cut opening sequence and re-film some footage once again. Our meeting were well organised and thanks to that we were getting on smoothly with our editing and blogging.

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