Wednesday 11 January 2012

Location Shot

Our film was set in the victim's house. This is the location where most of the action would occur in the opening scene. This is when the victim would be first attacked. It is a typical English house which would allow the audience to relate to the setting. The idea that the villain would attack the victim in her own home would create a tension of intruding to the other character's personal life and the fact that it is a home disrupts the equilibrium of peace and safety in ones' house.

 The villain would be seen next to the window of the house facing the house backdoor. The villain would try and sucessfully break in to the house and then most of the part of the house is included in the film up to the victim's room. The other setting would be the villain's lair which is seen as a confined space and only a table next to the wall would be visible to the clip. In reality the villains lair took place in a  kitchen/dinning room and a table was in fact a dinning table.

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