Thursday 26 January 2012

Title of Our Thriller

It took as long time to decide what the name of out thriller will be. We have came up with a few name ideas for our film and we have concidered:

  • Stalked
  • Shadows
  • Incision
  • Guilty
  • Alter EGO
  • Deranged
  • Demented

Overall we have decided to call our film Alter EGO. Alter EGO means another side of oneself (second self), an intimate friend or a constant companion. A person with an alter ego is said to lead a double life and that's exactly what is happening in our film. One man is obssed with a girl who is his alter ego. He is fascinated about her, he follows her every day and takes several numbers of pictures, what more - he believes that she belongs to him.  He is obssesed as he thinks that she's his second self. Unfortunately for the girl, she doesn't have a clue that she is being followed and observed by a psycho stalker and he will do absolutely everything it takes to own her. The villain has the desire to overpower women and the absolute way to overpower someone is taking their life away.

The title of the film does not really suggest that the villain have a dual personality. But to show a difference between two characters and relate them more together as the story progresses. The idea of both characters having major differences such as: gender, their personality, difference in motives, and more.

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